科研成果: |
1. 新疆小河墓地古代人群的遗传结构及源流问题, 国家自然科学基金委(已结题)
2. 陈旧性生物样本种属鉴定试剂盒的研制与开发, 吉林省科学技术厅(结题)
3. 中国古代北方游牧民族的遗传关系研究及其在现代民族形成中的作用, 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(在研)
4. 公前3500年至前1500年黄河、长江及西辽河流域区域聚落与居民研究, 国家科技支撑计划(在研)
5. 应用基因组学方法研究东北嫩江流域青铜时代古人群组成与来源,国家自然科学基金委(在研)
1. Yinqiu Cui, Li Song, Dong Wei, Yuhong Pang, et al. Identification of kinship and host status among Mongolian noble cemetery in the Yuan Dynasty through multidisciplinary approaches, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B,2014, published online.(SCI 收录,IF:6.314)
2. Cui Y, Lindo J, Hughes CE, Johnson JW, Hernandez AG, et al. Ancient DNA Analysis of Mid-Holocene Individuals from the Northwest Coast of North America Reveals Different Evolutionary Paths for Mitogenomes. 2013, PLoS ONE 8(7): e66948.(SCI 收录,IF:3.73)
3. Yinqiu Cui, Hongjie Li, Chao Ning, Ye Zhang, Lu Chen, Xin Zhao, Erika Hagelberg and Hui Zhou*, Y Chromosome analysis of prehistoric human populations in the West Liao River Valley, Northeast China. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2013 13:216.(SCI 收录,IF:3.29)
4. Hongjie Li, Xin Zhao, Yongbin Zhao, Chunxiang Li, Dayong Si, Hui Zhou*, Yinqiu Cui*,Genetic characteristics and migration history of a bronze culture population in the West Liao-River valley revealed by ancient DNA. Journal of Human Genetics,2011,56, 815–822. (SCI 收录,IF:2.496)
5. SHI Weiguang,, WU Huijie,, ZHOU Guoqiang, JIANG Qifeng, CUI Yinqiu*, LIU Xiaoyang*, Molecular Analysis of Stable Mutagenesis in Cucumber Induced by High Hydrostatic Pressure. CHINESE JOURNAL OF HIGH PRESSURE PHYSICS ;2011 25(4):379-384. (EI 收录)
6. 张雪梅,杨翊研,杨百全,李春香,崔银秋*. RNA分析技术在法医学中的应用. 中国法医学杂志,2011,(6) 458-461.
7. 张雪梅,杨百全,李春香,崔银秋*. 常染色体STR及线粒体测序用于陈旧性骨骼DNA一例,中国司法鉴定,2011,(5) 106-107.
8. FU Yu-qin, LI Min, Wang Xu, ZHOU Guo-qiang, ZHOU Hui, and CUI Yin-qiu*. A proteomics approach to investigate the impact of aFGF antagonist on signal transduction pathway. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities. 2010, 26(2) 252-255 . (SCI收录,IF:0.460)
9. Li C, Li H, Cui Y, Xie C, Cai D, Li W, Mair VH, Xu Z, Zhang Q, Abuduresule I, Jin L, Zhu H, Zhou H. Evidence that a West-East admixed population lived in the Tarim Basin as early as the early Bronze Age. BMC Biology,2010,Feb 17;8-15. (SCI 收录,IF:5.230)
10. Yinqiu Cui, Chunxiang Li,Shizhu Gao,Chengzhi Xie,and Hui Zhou* Early Eurasian Migration Traces in the Tarim Basin Revealed by mtDNA Polymorphisms. Am J Phys Anthropol,2010,142: 558-564. (SCI 收录,IF:2.695)